ZGCTA Member Units

ERINA, since its establishment in 1993, has been pursuing research into economic trends and activities to promote economic exchange within the region, aiming at the strengthening of Northeast Asian economic development and economic cooperation. In particular we focus on northeastern China, Russia’s Far Eastern region, Mongolia, the ROK, and the DPRK, and have been emphasizing economic interdependent relationships and trade and investment coordination between Japan and those nations and regions, and the significance of infrastructure, energy, and environmental cooperation.

More specifically, we actively pursue international collaborative research as a global think tank and not just for the Northeast Asian region, and via the staging of the “Northeast Asia International Conference for Economic Development” and all variety of international symposia and seminars, we are deepening discussion on the current situation and policy analysis among the nations and regions of Northeast Asia, the United States, Europe, and other Asia–Pacific nations. We plan to successively publish the outcomes of that research in our regularly issued publications, such as the ERINA Report (Plus) and The Northeast Asian Economic Review, in the Northeast Asia Research Series, in written and edited books in English via commercial publishers, and additionally on our website. Moreover, we intend to continue activities from the viewpoint of substantiating research outcomes as a “Think and Do Tank”. As part of that, we will support the business development of local firms in particular, in order to promote economic exchange between Japan and the nations and regions of Northeast Asia.

Our website is: https://www.erina.or.jp/en/